God knows how i cry so hard just to ease the pain ..and i swear not to fall again.. :'( ... for the last time i fall inlove again but it cost me SOO MUCH pain ..pain that i could never ever imagine.. i cant face anyone anymore with a sweet smile.. this pain is soooo cruel.. and its drowning me.. I want to go FAR FAR away from every one! go some place that NO one knows me...cuz everywhere I Go i see your face :'( , every morning i hear your voice in my mind :'( ..i smell the coffee we use to take everyday :'( ..the place wer we hang out..our song :'( .. the stars in the skies, the full moon :'( , the movies that we always watch :'( and your favorite noodles..how i wish this PAIN TO GO AWAY... ( PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PAIN GOOOOOOOO AWAY) and how i wish to find a pain killer for this.. But although this is soo hurt i know that im gonna be okie again.. cuz i know I DID NOTHING WRONG...so HELP me GOD :'(